Friday, April 9, 2010

Blog Fail

What an abject failure I have been so far on my Austin goals. I just realized I have only heard the word abject directly before failure so I don't know what it means so I'm going to look it up.

1 : sunk to or existing in a low state or condition to lowest pitch of abject fortune thou art fallen — John Milton


Anyway so I've been living a life of squalor, consisting on multiple Dr. Peppers, watching Real Housewives of New York City and going to NON LOCAL FOOD EATERIES. It really is shocking how little will I have.

Part of it that might be this hellish week, but it's amazing how even when you think everything is horrible God is still good. It's kind of like finally going to sleep after a long day. All day you know that the bed is waiting for you to finally let go and crash, but until you take the time to actually enjoy the peace you don't realize how great it is.

Successful metaphor? I'm not sure, but it works for me this morning anyway.

So what have I accomplished in the last week?

36. don't say no to things just because I'm mentally tired. you can get over that pretty quick with good company.

I've been doing this one pretty well. To my own detriment actually because as great as hanging out IS at 2:00 am, it hurts the next morning. I realize this is the statement of a 35 year old mother of 3 but whatever I have early classes.

54. use bed only for sleeping (no homework, no watching movies, no coloring...JUST SLEEPING)

I've been pretty successful at this sucker too. Seriously it really does make a difference. When you only use your bed for sleeping it really helps tell your body that it should be tired and not wired from all the caffeine you consumed during the day. Maybe that's psychosomatic (guess spelling on that and I'm not looking it up so deal with it, Cate Blanchett.)

So hey there are two things, but for the next week I'm going to work on these guys:

43. learn how to pray for people better
44. pay taxes this year because I actually had a real income

So that's the plan. Man these entries are long but I like writing.

Ooh. Also I need to find summer housing. So three goals.

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