Monday, April 19, 2010

Time to stop eating like a heavy set frat boy

So lately, I haven't been eating so well.

Like today...I had two kolaches, a pb&j, a Dr. Pepper and a roll of frozen Rolos. And this was a chaser for Saturday...when I ate half a pizza. HALF A DAMN PIZZA, and maybe a Shiner.

So that's not okay, and my body is cursing me with headaches and sleepiness, which I have not only ignored, but elevated by refusing to wear my glasses.

This really just is not okay. As much as I love a good taco, I can no longer eat like Bridget Jones and expect to feel good in the mornings. I consumed an entire box of SnackWell cookies you guys. That is the opposite of Snacking Well. That is snacking horribly, horribly wrong.

So starting tomorrow (because of the Rolos incident...but seriously frozen rolos are heavenly..)I'm going to start eating better. It isn't a diet. It's a 'your body can't take any more riboflavins-iet.'

I also want arm muscles so I'm going to start working out too. Probably not really but if you see me with a damn taco in my hand please slap it out and when I look at you with tears in my eyes, coldly say "It's for your own good nerd..." and walk away.

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